Movies sets are collaborative in nature. A stills photographer has to understand when “not to take a picture” and to accept that her/his presence on set will always be the least important. Stills Photography is an intensive training on the virtues of being humble by maintaining a low profile.
A movie set quickly becomes a temporary home and the members of the crew, a temporary family. It gives a sense of belonging and often ends at the wrong time, when all have started to really appreciate each other’s presence. Working within a team is one of my main incentives in pursuing that kind of work.
A selected set of images captured by Standing Still.

"El Greco", 2007 by Y. Smaragdis / "Slaves in their bonds", 2009 by T. Lykouressis / "God loves caviar", 2013 by Y. Smaragdis / "The Flight of the Swan, 2010 by N. Tzimas